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fun times. posted mine. check it out. (blatant attempt to up my stats).

funny, i grew up on WtP (the live action TV version, anyway) and I never really was down with Kanga. hmm. probably fear of time-out or something.


What!?!? I hate this quiz... it says' I'm rabbit... I don't wanna be rabbit... get this quiz off your site... immediately! I don't act like that.... bossy!? ...High-strung?... what kind of quiz is this anyway.... what were we talking about... grrrrr....


Yay! I'm Pooh, which is what my baby sister used to call me growing up. I'd read her the stories every night.


Ha, I knew there was a reason I liked you. I'm Kanga too (as are apparently 375,671 other people).


i was kanga too, though i didn't really feel that my answers were very kanga-like. (i suppose they were!)


yay! i'm owl! it's perfect for me - probably the closest personality test i've ever had!!


davey-"pooh" - you can always count on me to up your stats. unless i get caught at work...

patrick - i feard i would be rabbit... but we have to have rabbits. they get things done. : )

joolz - pooh is lovely, and you are too. thanks for the link to the quiz!

krista and carroll - i think kanga's ok to be. i especially like the part about us being warm and loving and great with children. and, unfortunately, i do see myself as the rule enforcer. good at times.

bobbie - wouldn't you know it took a "children's" quiz to finally get good results? i'm glad you're owl. with all of us here, we almost represent half of the hundred acre wood...looks like we need to do some outreach... : )

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